Experience the Thrill: The Advantages of Wingsuit Flying


Wingsuits, also known as birdman suits or squirrel suits, are specialized jumpsuits that have revolutionized the world of extreme sports. These incredible garments allow skydivers and BASE jumpers to experience the exhilarating sensation of soaring through the air like birds. With their wing-like extensions between the arms and legs, wingsuits increase surface area and create lift, enabling adrenaline junkies to glide for extended periods of time. Squirrel, a leading manufacturer in the industry, offers a wide range of high-quality wingsuits that cater to the needs and preferences of extreme sports enthusiasts.

At Squirrel, we take pride in our commitment to providing advanced equipment for those who seek thrilling experiences in the skies. Our collection of wingsuits includes models such as the Sprint, Swift 5, Low-Ki, ATC 4, and more. Each suit is meticulously designed with cutting-edge technology and crafted with zero compromise in workmanship and materials. We understand that every individual has unique preferences when it comes to their gear, which is why we offer our customers the opportunity to customize their wingsuits using our SuperCustom Pattern Designer. This allows you to personalize your suit according to your style and preferences.

In addition to wingsuits, Squirrel also offers a variety of other products that cater to the needs of extreme sports enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for tracking suits to enhance your performance or suit accessories such as stash bags and travel bags for convenient storage and transport, we have you covered. We also provide books and apparel for those who want to immerse themselves further into the world of wingsuit flying and BASE jumping.

At Squirrel, we believe that knowledge is power when it comes to engaging in extreme sports safely. That's why we provide our customers with comprehensive technical information and articles on wingsuit flying and BASE jumping. We want you to feel confident and well-informed before taking flight in one of our wingsuits.

Join us on an unforgettable journey as we explore the world of wingsuit flying. In the following sections, we will delve into the history and evolution of wingsuits, the physics behind their flight capabilities, the benefits they offer for adrenaline junkies, and essential safety tips and precautions to ensure a thrilling yet secure experience. So strap in, spread your wings, and get ready to soar through the skies like never before!

History and Evolution of Wingsuits

The history of wingsuit flying can be traced back to the early pioneers who dared to dream of soaring through the skies like birds. One such pioneer was Frenchman Frédéric Fugen, who in 1997 made the first ever wingsuit jump from an airplane. This groundbreaking leap paved the way for a new era of extreme sports and adrenaline-fueled adventures.

Over the years, wingsuit technology has undergone significant advancements and developments. In the early days, wingsuits were simple jumpsuits with fabric wings attached between the arms and legs. These early designs provided limited lift and control, making them more akin to gliding than true flight.

However, as skydivers and BASE jumpers pushed the boundaries of what was possible, manufacturers began experimenting with different materials and wing designs. This led to the creation of more aerodynamic suits that offered increased lift and maneuverability.

One key development in wingsuit technology was the incorporation of rigid wing surfaces into the design. These surfaces, often made from carbon fiber or other lightweight materials, provided a more stable platform for flight and improved control. With these advancements, wingsuit pilots could achieve longer flights and perform more precise maneuvers in the air.

Another significant evolution in wingsuit design came with the introduction of specialized wing profiles. These profiles are carefully engineered to maximize lift while reducing drag, allowing pilots to achieve greater speeds and glide ratios. The combination of advanced wing profiles with rigid wing surfaces revolutionized wingsuit flying, opening up new possibilities for aerial exploration.

In recent years, technology has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible in wingsuit design. Manufacturers like Squirrel have invested heavily in research and development to create cutting-edge suits that offer unparalleled performance and safety features. From innovative materials that enhance durability and comfort to state-of-the-art flight systems that provide real-time data feedback, modern wingsuits are a testament to human ingenuity and passion for adventure.

As we look back on the history and evolution of wingsuits, it is clear that this extreme sport has come a long way. From humble beginnings to high-tech marvels, wingsuits have captured the imagination of adrenaline junkies around the world. With each new leap into the unknown, wingsuit pilots continue to push the boundaries of human flight, inspiring future generations to take to the skies and experience the thrill of soaring like a bird.

The Physics of Wingsuit Flight

Wingsuit flight is a truly exhilarating experience that allows skydivers and BASE jumpers to soar through the air like birds. But how exactly do wingsuits work? In this section, we will explore the physics behind wingsuit flight and understand the factors that affect its performance.

At first glance, wingsuits may seem like ordinary jumpsuits with some extra fabric. However, they are carefully designed to create lift and increase glide ratio. The key feature of a wingsuit is the wing-like extensions between the arms and legs, known as wings or surfaces. These surfaces significantly increase the surface area of the human body, allowing for greater aerodynamic lift.

When a person wearing a wingsuit jumps from an aircraft or a fixed object, gravity pulls them downwards. However, thanks to the shape and design of the wingsuit, it creates an upward force called lift. This lift counteracts gravity and enables horizontal movement through the air.

The physics behind this lift can be explained by Bernoulli's principle, which states that as the speed of a fluid (in this case, air) increases, its pressure decreases. When a wingsuiter jumps from a high altitude and starts descending at high speeds, the airflow over their body increases, leading to lower pressure on top of their wings compared to underneath. This pressure difference generates lift upwards.

Several factors affect the performance of a wingsuit in terms of glide ratio and maneuverability. One crucial factor is the shape and size of the wing surfaces. Wingsuits with larger surface areas generally offer more lift and better glide ratios. Additionally, different designs may affect stability and control during flight.

Another important consideration is body position. A proper body position helps optimize airflow over the wingsuit surfaces, maximizing lift generation. Wingsuit pilots need to maintain a balanced posture with arms slightly extended and legs spread apart while keeping their head up for improved stability.

Furthermore, clothing choice can impact wing performance as well. Tight-fitting clothing reduces drag and allows for smoother airflow, enhancing the overall efficiency of the wingsuit.

Understanding the physics behind wingsuit flight not only adds to the thrill of the experience but also enables pilots to make informed decisions during their flights. By harnessing these principles, wingsuit flyers can achieve longer glides, perform controlled maneuvers, and push the boundaries of human flight.

Benefits of Wingsuit Flying for Adrenaline Junkies

Wingsuit flying is not for the faint of heart. It is an extreme sport that offers adrenaline junkies a unique and exhilarating experience like no other. The intense adrenaline rush experienced during wingsuit flying is unmatched, providing a thrilling and unforgettable adventure.

One of the primary benefits of wingsuit flying for adrenaline junkies is the sense of freedom and exhilaration it brings. As you leap from a plane or a cliff, you are instantly transported into a world where gravity seems to have no hold on you. The feeling of soaring through the air like a bird is incredibly liberating, giving you a sense of empowerment and liberation that few other activities can provide.

In addition to the incredible rush, wingsuit flying also offers adrenaline junkies the opportunity for unique and breathtaking views. As you glide through the air at high speeds, you will witness stunning landscapes from a perspective that very few people get to experience. Whether it's soaring over majestic mountains, skimming above crystal-clear lakes, or diving through narrow canyons, each flight presents an awe-inspiring panorama that will leave you in awe.

The combination of speed and altitude achieved during wingsuit flying allows adrenaline junkies to push their limits and challenge themselves physically and mentally. It requires focus, precision, and split-second decision-making as you navigate through the air with precision. This level of concentration not only adds to the thrill but also enhances your overall mental agility and sharpness.

Moreover, wingsuit flying provides an escape from the mundane routines of everyday life. It offers an opportunity to break free from societal constraints and experience something truly extraordinary. The sheer intensity of this extreme sport demands complete presence in the moment, making it impossible to think about anything else while in flight. This escape from reality can be incredibly therapeutic for those seeking a break from their daily stresses.

However, it is important to note that wingsuit flying comes with inherent risks, which should not be taken lightly. Adrenaline junkies must prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to minimize the potential dangers associated with this extreme sport. This includes undergoing proper training, using high-quality equipment, and adhering to strict safety protocols.

Safety Tips and Precautions

Wingsuit flying is an incredibly exhilarating and adrenaline-pumping activity, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. As with any extreme sport, safety should always be the top priority for wingsuit flyers. Here are some important safety tips and precautions to keep in mind before taking flight.

First and foremost, proper training and experience are paramount when it comes to wingsuit flying. It is crucial to undergo comprehensive training from certified instructors who have extensive knowledge and expertise in wingsuit flying. They will teach you the necessary skills, techniques, and safety protocols to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. It is essential to practice under their guidance until you have gained enough proficiency before attempting solo flights.

In addition to training, selecting and maintaining high-quality gear is crucial for safe wingsuit flying. Wingsuits should be well-fitted, allowing for unrestricted movement while providing stability during flight. It is recommended to invest in a wingsuit from reputable manufacturers like Squirrel that prioritize safety and quality in their designs. Regular inspections of the suit's zippers, stitching, and fabric integrity are also essential to identify any potential issues before they become a safety concern.

Another vital aspect of wingsuit flying safety is being aware of weather conditions and potential hazards. Always check the weather forecast before planning a flight as strong winds or turbulent conditions can significantly impact your flight trajectory. Avoid flying in inclement weather such as rain or fog as it can impair visibility and increase the risk of accidents. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the terrain where you plan to fly and be cautious of any potential obstacles such as trees, power lines, or buildings that could pose a danger during landing.

Emergency procedures and contingency plans are critical components of wingsuit flying safety. While every effort should be made to prevent emergencies, it is essential to be prepared for unexpected situations. This includes knowing how to handle equipment malfunctions or failures during flight. Practice emergency drills regularly so that you can react quickly and effectively in high-pressure situations. Additionally, establish a clear communication plan with your flying partners or support team to ensure seamless coordination in case of emergencies.

Lastly, always listen to your instincts and exercise good judgment when it comes to wingsuit flying. If you are feeling fatigued, mentally distracted, or physically unwell, it is best to postpone your flight until you are in optimal condition. Being well-rested and mentally focused will enhance your ability to make split-second decisions during flight and mitigate potential risks.


In conclusion, wingsuit flying is an exhilarating and awe-inspiring sport that offers a unique and unmatched adrenaline rush. The history and evolution of wingsuits have paved the way for extreme sports enthusiasts to experience the thrill of soaring through the air like birds. With advancements in technology and design, wingsuits have become more efficient and safer than ever before.

The physics behind wingsuit flight is fascinating, as it involves harnessing the power of aerodynamics to generate lift and glide through the air. By increasing surface area with wing-like extensions, wingsuits allow skydivers and BASE jumpers to achieve longer flights and greater control over their movements.

For adrenaline junkies seeking the ultimate rush, wingsuit flying provides an unparalleled experience. The feeling of freedom and weightlessness as you soar through the skies is indescribable. It offers a unique perspective on the world below, allowing you to witness breathtaking views from a vantage point few others will ever experience.

While wingsuit flying can be an incredibly thrilling activity, it is important to prioritize safety at all times. Adhering to proper training protocols, using high-quality equipment, and regularly assessing weather conditions are crucial steps in minimizing risks associated with this extreme sport. Additionally, staying up-to-date with safety tips and precautions can help ensure a safe and enjoyable wingsuit flying experience.

In conclusion, wingsuit flying is not for the faint of heart but for those who seek adventure beyond limits. It offers an escape from the ordinary into a world where gravity seems to lose its grip. So if you're ready to take your passion for extreme sports to new heights, consider strapping on a wingsuit and experiencing the thrill of flight like never before. Join the ranks of adrenaline junkies around the world who have embraced this daring sport – spread your wings and soar!