The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Wingsuit

What is a wingsuit and how does it work?

A wingsuit is a specialized jumpsuit that allows skydivers to glide through the air like birds. It is designed with fabric between the arms and legs, creating a wing-like surface that generates lift. This lift enables the wearer to stay in the air for an extended period of time and cover horizontal distances while descending.

The concept behind a wingsuit is inspired by the shape and structure of bird wings. Just like birds, humans have always dreamt of flying freely in the sky. With advancements in technology, this dream has become a reality for adrenaline junkies and extreme sports enthusiasts.

The design of a wingsuit allows it to act as an airfoil, generating lift as air flows over its surface. The fabric used in wingsuits is lightweight yet durable, providing enough surface area to create sufficient lift. The wing-shaped profile of the suit helps redirect airflow and create upward force, allowing the wearer to achieve horizontal movement through the air.

When a skydiver jumps from an aircraft or any elevated platform, they initially experience freefall. During this phase, they are subject to gravity and accelerate towards the ground at high speed. However, once they deploy their parachute or reach a certain altitude, they can transition into wingsuit flight.

To initiate wingsuit flight, skydivers extend their arms and legs fully outwards, spreading their body into a horizontal position. This maximizes the surface area exposed to oncoming airflow and creates an aerodynamic shape similar to that of a flying squirrel or bat.

As air rushes past the wingsuit's fabric surfaces, it generates lift that counteracts gravity's pull. The resulting upward force allows the flyer to maintain altitude while also enabling forward movement through controlled gliding.

During wingsuit flight, skydivers have limited control over their direction compared to traditional parachuting. They rely heavily on body positioning and subtle adjustments in arm and leg movements to alter their trajectory slightly.

It's important for wingsuit flyers to maintain stability and balance throughout their flight. Any sudden movements or shifts in weight distribution can disrupt the airflow and affect the suit's aerodynamic properties, potentially leading to loss of control.

Wingsuit flying is an exhilarating experience that requires skill, training, and a deep understanding of aerodynamics. It combines the thrill of skydiving with the freedom of flight, allowing individuals to soar through the air like never before.

Factors to consider when choosing a wingsuit

When choosing a wingsuit, there are several important factors to consider. These factors will help you find the perfect suit that suits your body type, experience level, flying style, and goals. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you have the best wingsuit for your next flying adventure.

The first factor to consider is your body type and size. Wingsuits come in various sizes and shapes, so it's crucial to find one that fits you properly. A well-fitted wingsuit will enhance your flying experience and allow for better control and maneuverability. It's important to measure yourself accurately and consult the sizing chart provided by the manufacturer before making a purchase. Additionally, consider any specific requirements or preferences you may have regarding comfort and mobility.

Another important factor is your experience level. If you're new to wingsuit flying, it's recommended to start with a beginner-friendly suit that offers stability and ease of use. These suits typically have larger surface areas and more forgiving flight characteristics. As you gain experience and proficiency in wingsuit flying, you can transition to more advanced suits that offer greater speed and agility.

Your flying style and goals should also be taken into account when choosing a wingsuit. Different suits are designed for different types of flying, such as proximity flying or performance flying. Proximity flyers may prefer suits with shorter wingspans and more maneuverability for navigating close to terrain features. On the other hand, performance flyers may opt for suits with longer wingspans and higher glide ratios to maximize their horizontal distance covered during flights. Consider what type of flying you enjoy most and choose a suit that aligns with your goals.

Lastly, it's essential to evaluate the design and features of the wingsuit itself. Look for features such as reinforced stitching, durable fabric materials, and reliable zippers that ensure the longevity of the suit. Pay attention to additional features like grippers on the arms and legs for better control, as well as ventilation systems to regulate body temperature during flights. Research different wingsuit models and read reviews from experienced flyers to get a better understanding of the performance and quality of each suit.

Review of the top wingsuits available in our online shop

When it comes to choosing a wingsuit, having a wide range of options can be both exciting and overwhelming. To help you make an informed decision, we have carefully curated a collection of top-quality wingsuits in our online shop. Each suit is designed with specific features and characteristics to cater to different flying styles and experience levels. Let's take a closer look at some of the standout wingsuits in our inventory:


The Sprint wingsuit is perfect for those who are new to wingsuit flying. It offers a great balance between performance and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for beginners. The suit is made from durable materials that provide excellent stability and control during flight. With its streamlined design and smooth fabric, the Sprint allows for effortless gliding through the air like a bird. Whether you're diving headfirst into your first wingsuit adventure or looking to upgrade your current suit, the Sprint is a reliable option.

Swift 5

For experienced wingsuit flyers seeking high-performance capabilities, the Swift 5 is an excellent choice. This suit is designed with advanced aerodynamics and cutting-edge technology to maximize speed and agility. The Swift 5 features reinforced wing surfaces that enhance lift and reduce drag, allowing for faster horizontal travel and more dynamic maneuvers. If you're ready to push the limits of your flying skills and explore new heights, the Swift 5 will not disappoint.


If you value versatility and adaptability in a wingsuit, look no further than the Low-Ki. This suit offers a unique combination of performance-oriented features while maintaining user-friendly characteristics. The Low-Ki boasts an innovative modular design that allows you to customize various elements such as wing shape, arm wing extensions, and leg wing configurations according to your preferences. With its adjustable options, this suit can be tailored to match your specific flying style and desired level of performance.


The ATC 4 is a wingsuit designed for experienced flyers who crave adrenaline-pumping speed and precision. This suit is engineered with advanced aerodynamic principles to deliver exceptional glide ratio and stability. The ATC 4 features reinforced ribs that maintain the shape of the wing, ensuring optimal lift and reduced turbulence. With its sleek design and high-performance capabilities, the ATC 4 is built for those seeking thrilling wingsuit adventures and unparalleled maneuverability.

Freak 5

For daredevils looking to push the boundaries of wingsuit flying, the Freak 5 is a top contender. This suit is specifically designed for BASE jumping, offering unparalleled agility and control during low-altitude flights. The Freak 5 features extra-large arm wings and leg wing surfaces that provide maximum lift and stability even at slower speeds. With its specialized design, this suit allows for precise navigation through tight spaces and challenging terrain. If you're ready to take your BASE jumping skills to new heights, the Freak 5 is a must-have addition to your gear collection.


The Creature wingsuit combines versatility with comfort, making it an excellent choice for both intermediate and advanced flyers. This suit offers a balance between performance-oriented features and ease of use, allowing you to enjoy extended flight times without compromising on control or safety. The Creature features strategically placed vents that enhance airflow and reduce drag, resulting in smoother glides through the air. Whether you're embarking on long-distance flights or engaging in acrobatic maneuvers, the Creature will be your reliable companion.

Corvid 2

If you're an experienced flyer looking for a wingsuit with exceptional glide performance, look no further than the Corvid 2. This suit is meticulously designed to provide maximum lift-to-drag ratio, allowing for longer flight times and increased horizontal travel distance. The Corvid 2 features specially engineered airfoil profiles and reinforced wing surfaces that optimize aerodynamic efficiency. With its outstanding glide capabilities, this suit is perfect for those who enjoy exploring vast open spaces and covering great distances.


The C-RACE wingsuit is built for speed enthusiasts who want to experience the thrill of high-velocity flights. This suit features a sleek and streamlined design that minimizes drag and maximizes forward momentum. The C-RACE incorporates advanced materials and construction techniques to ensure optimal performance at high speeds. With its exceptional stability and agility, this suit allows you to reach incredible velocities while maintaining control and maneuverability. If you're ready to push your limits and chase the adrenaline rush of fast-paced wingsuit flying, the C-RACE is the perfect choice.

Aura 5

For those seeking a wingsuit that offers a balance between performance and comfort, the Aura 5 is an excellent option. This suit is designed with ergonomics in mind, providing a comfortable fit that allows for extended flight times without sacrificing maneuverability. The Aura 5 features strategically placed reinforcements that enhance durability and reduce wear over time. With its versatile design, this suit can adapt to various flying styles and skill levels, making it suitable for both intermediate flyers looking to progress and experienced flyers seeking reliable performance.


If you're a BASE jumper looking for a wingsuit specifically tailored to your needs, the C-BASE is an ideal choice. This suit combines the agility required for low-altitude flights with the safety features necessary for BASE jumping. The C-BASE features reinforced leg wing surfaces that provide stability during rapid deployments and precise landings. With its compact design and specialized features, this suit allows for seamless transitions between freefalling and canopy flight, ensuring a smooth BASE jumping experience.


The CR+ wingsuit is designed for experienced flyers who prioritize maximum performance in their flights. This suit incorporates cutting-edge technology and advanced aerodynamics to deliver exceptional glide ratio and maneuverability. The CR+ features reinforced wing surfaces and a streamlined design that minimizes drag, allowing for faster horizontal travel and more dynamic flight patterns. With its high-performance capabilities, this suit is perfect for those who want to push their skills to the limit and engage in thrilling wingsuit adventures.

With our wide range of wingsuits, you can find the perfect suit that matches your flying style, experience level, and performance preferences. Whether you're a beginner looking to embark on your first wingsuit adventure or an experienced flyer seeking new heights of excitement, our online shop has something for everyone. Explore our collection today and elevate your wingsuit flying experience to new levels!

Tips for wingsuit flying and safety precautions

When it comes to wingsuit flying, safety should always be the top priority. This exhilarating extreme sport requires careful planning, proper training, and adherence to important safety precautions. Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable wingsuit flying experience:

1. Proper training and certification

Before attempting wingsuit flying, it is crucial to undergo comprehensive training from a certified instructor. They will teach you the necessary skills, techniques, and safety procedures to fly safely. Training typically includes ground instruction, practice jumps, and simulated flights in a controlled environment. Obtaining the appropriate certification ensures that you have met the required standards and possess the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in this thrilling activity.

2. Equipment maintenance and inspection

Regular equipment maintenance is vital for safe wingsuit flying. Before every jump, thoroughly inspect your wingsuit, parachute system, helmet, altimeter, and other gear for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure that all components are functioning properly and meet the manufacturer's specifications. It is also essential to follow the recommended maintenance schedule provided by the equipment manufacturer.

3. Weather conditions and visibility

Weather conditions play a significant role in wingsuit flying safety. Always check the weather forecast before your jump to assess wind speed, direction, turbulence levels, cloud cover, and visibility. Strong winds or adverse weather conditions can significantly impact your flight trajectory or pose potential hazards during landing. It is crucial to exercise caution and avoid jumping in unfavorable weather conditions.

4. Exit altitude and landing zones

Choosing an appropriate exit altitude is essential for a safe wingsuit flight. Factors such as terrain clearance requirements, airspace restrictions, wind patterns at different altitudes should be considered when determining the exit point from an aircraft or cliff edge.

Additionally, carefully plan your landing zone before taking off. Identify suitable areas free from obstacles like trees or power lines with sufficient space for landing. Familiarize yourself with the landing zone's layout, wind patterns, and any potential hazards that may affect your approach or landing.

5. Emergency procedures and safety drills

Preparing for emergency situations is crucial to ensure your safety during wingsuit flying. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures such as dealing with equipment malfunctions, canopy collisions, or loss of altitude awareness. Regularly practice safety drills to reinforce these procedures and improve your response time in critical situations.

Maintaining situational awareness throughout the flight is vital. Continuously monitor altitude, airspeed, and flight path to avoid potential hazards and ensure a safe flight.

In conclusion, wingsuit flying offers an incredible opportunity to experience the thrill of human flight. However, it is essential to prioritize safety at all times. By following proper training protocols, regularly maintaining your equipment, considering weather conditions, carefully choosing exit altitudes and landing zones, and being prepared for emergencies through regular safety drills, you can enjoy this exhilarating sport while minimizing risks. Remember that responsible wingsuit flying involves expertise, attentiveness, and adherence to safety guidelines – ensuring a memorable experience every time you take flight.

So what are you waiting for? Explore our wide range of wingsuits today and embark on your next wingsuit flying adventure!