The Ultimate Guide to Wingsuit Flying: Choose Your Wingsuit Wisely

The Ultimate Guide to Wingsuit Flying: Choose Your Wingsuit Wisely

Image Source: pexels

Introduction to Wingsuit Flying

Wingsuit flying, also known as wingsuiting, is an exhilarating extreme sport that allows individuals to experience the sensation of human flight. It involves wearing a specially designed jumpsuit, known as a wingsuit, which enables the wearer to glide through the air like a bird. With its unique design and features, wingsuits have revolutionized the world of adventure sports and opened up new possibilities for adrenaline junkies.

The primary purpose of a wingsuit is to increase surface area and create lift, enabling the wearer to stay airborne for longer distances and durations. By mimicking the shape of a bird's wings, these jumpsuits transform humans into human gliders. The fabric between the arms and legs acts as an airfoil, generating lift and allowing for controlled forward motion.

One of the key benefits of wingsuit flying is the incredible sense of freedom it provides. As you soar through the sky, you are no longer bound by gravity or confined to solid ground. Instead, you become part of the elements, feeling the rush of wind against your face and witnessing breathtaking views from above. It offers a unique perspective on the world below and allows you to experience a sense of liberation that few other activities can provide.

Another advantage of wingsuit flying is its versatility. Whether you're an experienced BASE jumper or a seasoned skydiver looking for a new challenge, wingsuiting offers endless possibilities for exploration and self-expression. From soaring over majestic mountains to gliding through narrow canyons, there are countless locations around the world where you can indulge in this thrilling sport.

When it comes to choosing a wingsuit, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost is safety. It's crucial to select a suit that fits properly and provides adequate protection during flight. Ill-fitting suits or those made from subpar materials can compromise your safety and increase the risk of accidents.

Additionally, understanding your skill level and experience is essential in selecting the right wingsuit. Different models cater to different levels of expertise, so it's important to choose one that aligns with your abilities. For beginners, it's recommended to start with a more forgiving suit that offers stability and ease of use. As you gain proficiency and confidence, you can progress to more advanced suits that provide greater maneuverability and speed.

The design of a wingsuit also plays a significant role in its performance. Factors such as wing shape, arm wing loading, and surface area affect how the suit handles in the air. Some suits are designed for maximum glide ratio, allowing for longer flights and greater distances covered. Others prioritize agility and maneuverability, enabling tighter turns and faster speeds.

Understanding Wingsuit Design

Wingsuits are not your average jumpsuits; they are highly specialized garments designed to allow the wearer to glide through the air like a bird. To fully appreciate the thrill of wingsuit flying, it is important to understand the various components and design features that make these suits so unique.

Wingsuit Components

A wingsuit consists of several key components that work together to create lift and enable the wearer to stay airborne for extended periods. These components include:

  1. Wings: The most distinctive feature of a wingsuit is its large fabric wings, which extend from the arms down to the legs. These wings increase the surface area of the body and create lift by generating airflow over their curved surfaces.

  2. Body: The body of a wingsuit is typically made from durable yet flexible materials such as nylon or spandex. It is designed to provide a snug fit without restricting movement, allowing flyers to maneuver their bodies in mid-air.

  3. Legs: The legs of a wingsuit are equipped with additional fabric panels that help maintain stability and control during flight. These panels act as stabilizers, preventing unwanted spinning or tumbling motions.

  4. Gloves: Wingsuits often come with specially designed gloves that have grippy palms and fingertips. These gloves serve two purposes - they protect the hands during landing and provide extra surface area for increased control while flying.

  5. Helmet: Safety is paramount when engaging in any extreme sport, including wingsuit flying. A well-fitted helmet is essential for protecting the head in case of accidents or collisions with other objects in mid-air.

Wingsuit Lift and Glide Ratio

The lift and glide ratio of a wingsuit play a crucial role in determining how far and how long you can fly before needing to deploy your parachute. Several factors contribute to these performance metrics:

  1. Wing Surface Area: The size of the wings directly affects how much lift can be generated by the wingsuit. Larger wings generally provide more lift, allowing for longer and more sustained flights.

  2. Wing Shape: The shape of the wings also influences the lift and glide ratio. Wings with a curved profile, similar to that of an airplane wing, generate more lift compared to flat or less curved designs.

  3. Wing Loading: Wing loading refers to the weight supported by each square foot of wing surface area. Higher wing loading results in faster flying speeds but can reduce maneuverability and require more skill to control.

Types of Wingsuit Designs

Wingsuits come in various designs, each offering unique advantages and characteristics suited for different flying styles and experience levels. The three main types of wingsuit designs are:

  1. Semi-Rigid Wingsuits: These suits have inflatable chambers integrated into their design, which provide additional stability during flight. Semi-rigid wingsuits strike a balance between flexibility and stability, making them suitable for intermediate flyers who want a mix of control and maneuverability.

  2. Rigid Wingsuits: As the name suggests, rigid wingsuits feature rigid elements such as carbon fiber frames that maintain their shape during flight. These suits offer excellent stability and performance but require advanced skills to handle effectively.

  3. Hybrid Wingsuits: Hybrid wingsuits combine features from both semi-rigid and rigid designs to offer a versatile flying experience. They often have inflatable sections along with structural reinforcements for enhanced stability while still maintaining some degree of flexibility.

Understanding the different types of wingsuit designs allows you to choose a suit that aligns with your skill level, flying goals, and personal preferences.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Wingsuit

When it comes to choosing the right wingsuit, there are several factors that you need to consider. These factors will not only ensure your safety but also enhance your overall flying experience. Let's take a closer look at each of these factors:

Experience level and skill

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a wingsuit is your experience level and skill. Wingsuits come in different sizes and designs, each suited for different levels of expertise. If you are a beginner, it is recommended to start with a smaller and more forgiving wingsuit that provides stability and maneuverability. As you gain more experience and confidence, you can gradually move on to larger and more advanced wingsuits.

Wingsuit size and fit

The size and fit of a wingsuit play a crucial role in its performance. It is essential to choose a wingsuit that fits you properly, as an ill-fitting suit can affect your stability and control during flight. When trying on different wingsuits, pay attention to the length of the arms and legs, as well as the tightness around your chest and waist. A properly fitted wingsuit should allow for comfortable movement without restricting your range of motion.

Flying style and objectives

Your flying style and objectives also play a significant role in determining the type of wingsuit you should choose. Different wingsuits are designed for specific styles of flying, such as proximity flying or acrobatics. If you are interested in high-speed flights close to terrain or buildings, you may opt for a smaller, more agile wingsuit with reduced surface area. On the other hand, if long-distance gliding is your goal, a larger wingsuit with greater lift capabilities would be more suitable.

Safety features and certifications

Safety should always be a top priority when engaging in any extreme sport like wingsuit flying. It is crucial to choose a wingsuit that incorporates essential safety features such as reinforced stitching, sturdy zippers, and strong materials. Additionally, look for wingsuits that have been certified by reputable organizations such as the International Bodyflight Association (IBA) or the United States Parachute Association (USPA). These certifications ensure that the wingsuit meets certain safety standards and has undergone rigorous testing.

Budget considerations

Last but not least, budget considerations are also an important factor when choosing a wingsuit. Wingsuits can vary significantly in price depending on their brand, design, and features. While it is tempting to go for the most expensive option, it is essential to find a balance between your budget and the quality of the wingsuit. Keep in mind that investing in a high-quality wingsuit from a reputable manufacturer will provide you with better durability, performance, and overall value in the long run.

Tips for Beginners in Wingsuit Flying

When it comes to wingsuit flying, safety should always be a top priority. As a beginner, there are several important tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

1. Training and Education

Before taking to the skies in a wingsuit, it is crucial to undergo proper training and education. This will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to fly safely. Look for reputable training programs or instructors who have extensive experience in wingsuit flying. They will teach you about body positioning, flight techniques, emergency procedures, and other essential aspects of the sport. By investing time in thorough training, you'll be well-prepared for your first flight.

2. Progressive Wingsuit Sizing

Choosing the right size wingsuit is vital for beginners. It's important to start with a suit that matches your skill level and experience. Opting for a smaller suit may increase the risk of instability and make it harder to control your flight. Conversely, choosing a suit that is too large can hinder maneuverability and make it difficult to maintain stability during flight.

As a beginner, consider starting with a larger suit that offers more surface area and stability. This will allow you to become comfortable with the basics of wingsuit flying before progressing to smaller suits that offer greater agility.

3. Flying with Experienced Wingsuiters

Flying alongside experienced wingsuit flyers can greatly enhance your learning experience as a beginner. Their expertise and guidance can help you understand the nuances of wing control, body positioning, and navigation during flight.

Consider joining group jumps or seeking out mentorship from experienced flyers within the wingsuit community. Not only will they provide valuable advice and feedback, but they can also introduce you to new flying techniques and help build your confidence as you progress in the sport.

4. Safety Precautions and Emergency Procedures

Wingsuit flying involves inherent risks, and it is essential to be well-prepared for any potential emergencies. Familiarize yourself with the safety precautions and emergency procedures specific to wingsuit flying. This includes knowing how to deploy your parachute in case of an emergency, understanding emergency landing techniques, and being aware of potential hazards in the sky.

Regularly review and practice emergency procedures to ensure they are ingrained in your muscle memory. Additionally, always fly within your skill level and comfort zone, gradually pushing your limits as you gain experience and confidence.


Embarking on the exhilarating journey of wingsuit flying can be a dream come true for adventure enthusiasts. By following these tips for beginners, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make the most of your wingsuit flying experience while prioritizing safety.

Remember to invest time in proper training and education, choose a suit that suits your skill level, seek guidance from experienced flyers, and familiarize yourself with safety precautions and emergency procedures. With dedication, practice, and a focus on safety, you'll be soaring through the skies like a bird in no time.

So what are you waiting for? Explore our collection of wingsuits today and get ready to take flight on your next adrenaline-pumping adventure!