The Ultimate Guide to Wingsuit Flying: Tips, Locations, and Gear

Introduction to Wingsuit Flying and BASE Jumping

Wingsuit flying and BASE jumping are extreme sports that combine the thrill of freefall with the exhilaration of soaring through the air like a bird. In wingsuit flying, participants wear specialized jumpsuits called wingsuits that allow them to glide through the air for extended periods of time. These jumpsuits are designed to increase lift and reduce drag, enabling wingsuit pilots to travel horizontally as well as vertically.

BASE jumping, on the other hand, involves parachuting or wingsuit flying from fixed objects such as buildings, antennas, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs). The term "BASE" is actually an acronym that stands for the four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth.

The history of wingsuit flying and BASE jumping can be traced back to the early 20th century. The concept of human flight has always fascinated people, and throughout history, there have been numerous attempts to achieve it. It wasn't until the late 1990s that modern wingsuits were developed and became popular among adrenaline junkies seeking new ways to defy gravity.

The first recorded wingsuit flight took place in 1930 when a German engineer named Franz Reichelt jumped off the Eiffel Tower wearing a suit with bat-like wings. Unfortunately, his experiment ended tragically as he failed to achieve sufficient lift and fell to his death. Despite this setback, interest in winged suits continued to grow over the years.

In recent decades, advancements in fabric technology and aerodynamics have revolutionized wingsuit design. Today's wingsuits are made from lightweight yet durable materials such as nylon or polyester blends. They feature multiple airfoils or "wings" between the arms and legs that create lift when air passes over them during freefall.

BASE jumping also has a rich history dating back several decades. It originated in California in the late 1960s when a group of skydivers began jumping from fixed objects as a way to push the boundaries of the sport. Over time, BASE jumping evolved into a separate discipline with its own set of challenges and risks.

Both wingsuit flying and BASE jumping require a high level of skill, experience, and physical fitness. Participants must undergo extensive training to learn how to control their flight path, navigate obstacles, and deploy their parachutes safely. Safety is paramount in these sports, and participants are encouraged to follow strict guidelines and receive proper instruction before attempting any jumps.

Types of Wingsuits

Wingsuits come in various types, each designed to cater to different flying styles and skill levels. Here are some popular wingsuit models available on the market:


The Sprint wingsuit is known for its sleek design and exceptional performance. It features a streamlined shape that allows for maximum speed and agility in the air. The suit is made from lightweight materials, providing a comfortable fit while maintaining durability. The Sprint wingsuit is ideal for experienced flyers who crave high-speed flights and precision maneuvers.

Swift 5

The Swift 5 wingsuit is a versatile option suitable for both intermediate and advanced pilots. It offers a balance between glide ratio and maneuverability, making it an excellent choice for those looking to explore different flying styles. With its innovative design, the Swift 5 provides stability during flight while still allowing for agile movements. This wingsuit is recommended for pilots who have mastered the basics and are ready to take their skills to the next level.


The Low-Ki wingsuit is favored by many experienced flyers due to its unique design elements. Its low-profile shape allows for enhanced aerodynamic performance, resulting in increased speed and precision control. However, this type of wingsuit requires advanced flying skills as it demands precise body positioning and control techniques. While the Low-Ki offers unparalleled performance, it may not be suitable for beginners or those new to wingsuit flying.


The ATC 4 wingsuit is a popular choice among both novice and seasoned pilots alike. Its user-friendly design makes it accessible to beginners while still providing enough performance capabilities to satisfy more experienced flyers. The ATC 4 features an excellent glide ratio, allowing pilots to cover longer distances during flight. This type of wingsuit is often used in various flying locations, including mountainsides and cliff edges.

Freak 5

For those seeking innovation and cutting-edge design, the Freak 5 wingsuit is a top contender. This wingsuit incorporates unique elements that enhance performance and maneuverability. The Freak 5 features specialized wingtip design, allowing for precise control and increased lift. With its exceptional glide ratio, this wingsuit enables pilots to achieve longer flights and explore new possibilities in the air. The Freak 5 is recommended for advanced pilots who are looking to push the boundaries of their flying capabilities.

When choosing a wingsuit, it's essential to consider your skill level, flying style preferences, and intended use. Each type of wingsuit offers different features and capabilities, so it's crucial to select one that aligns with your goals and abilities. Remember to always prioritize safety and undergo proper training before attempting any wingsuit flying activities.

Safety Precautions and Training

Wingsuit flying and BASE jumping are exhilarating and adrenaline-pumping activities, but they also come with inherent risks. Safety should always be the top priority for wingsuit pilots, and there are several precautions that need to be taken before taking flight.

First and foremost, it is crucial to have the right safety gear when engaging in wingsuit flying. A properly fitting helmet is essential to protect the head from potential impacts during flight. Additionally, wearing a wingsuit-specific jumpsuit made of durable materials can provide added protection against abrasions and injuries.

Training and certification are also vital aspects of ensuring safety in wingsuit flying. It is highly recommended for aspiring wingsuit pilots to undergo formal training programs offered by reputable instructors or organizations. These programs cover essential skills such as body positioning, canopy control, emergency procedures, and landing techniques. Obtaining a certification demonstrates that the pilot has met certain competency standards and is well-prepared to handle various situations that may arise during flights.

Regular maintenance and inspection of wingsuits are equally important for safe flying. Pilots should carefully inspect their gear before each jump to ensure that all components, including zippers, fasteners, and wing attachments, are in proper working condition. Any signs of wear or damage should be addressed immediately by a professional rigger or manufacturer.

Lastly, it is crucial for wingsuit pilots to stay up-to-date with current safety practices and guidelines within the community. This can be achieved through participation in forums, attending workshops or seminars hosted by experienced pilots or organizations dedicated to promoting safe wingsuit flying.

By following these safety precautions and investing time in proper training, wingsuit enthusiasts can minimize risks associated with this extreme sport. Remember that while the thrill of soaring through the air may be enticing, prioritizing safety will ensure a long-lasting enjoyment of this incredible adventure sport.

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Famous Wingsuit Flying Locations

Some of the most famous wingsuit flying locations around the world offer breathtaking views and exhilarating experiences for thrill-seekers. One such location is the Swiss Alps, known for its stunning mountain ranges and deep valleys. The Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland is a popular spot for wingsuit flying due to its picturesque landscape and proximity to other outdoor activities like skiing and hiking. Another renowned destination is Chamonix, France, which offers diverse terrain and challenging jumps. With its towering peaks and vast glaciers, Chamonix attracts experienced wingsuit pilots from all over the world.

Moving across continents, we find Moab in Utah, USA, an iconic location for BASE jumping and wingsuit flying. The rugged desert landscape provides a unique backdrop for adrenaline junkies looking to take their skills to new heights. Moab's famous cliffs and canyons create thrilling flight paths that offer a mix of technical challenges and awe-inspiring beauty.

Heading down under, Australia's Great Barrier Reef is not only famous for its marine life but also serves as an incredible wingsuit flying destination. Imagine soaring above the turquoise waters while taking in the vibrant coral reefs below – it's a truly unforgettable experience.

In addition to these well-known locations, there are plenty of hidden gems waiting to be discovered by wingsuit enthusiasts. Norway's fjords offer dramatic scenery with steep cliffs plunging into crystal-clear waters, providing an ideal playground for wingsuit pilots seeking adventure off the beaten path. New Zealand's Southern Alps also provide a stunning backdrop for aerial exploration, with snow-capped mountains and pristine lakes creating a surreal atmosphere.

Before embarking on any wingsuit flying adventure, it is crucial to research each location thoroughly and ensure you have proper training and experience. Always prioritize safety by following guidelines set by local authorities and seasoned professionals in the sport.

Whether you're seeking jaw-dropping landscapes or heart-pounding thrills, these famous wingsuit flying locations are sure to satisfy your adrenaline cravings. Strap on your wingsuit and get ready to soar through the skies, experiencing the ultimate rush of freedom and adventure.


After delving into the exhilarating world of wingsuit flying and BASE jumping, it's clear that these extreme sports offer an unparalleled adrenaline rush and a unique way to experience the thrill of flight. We've explored the different types of wingsuits available on the market, each with their own features and benefits. From the Sprint to the Swift 5, Low-Ki to ATC 4, and Freak 5, there's a wingsuit for every level of expertise and preference.

Choosing the right wingsuit is crucial for a successful and safe flight. It's important to consider factors such as your skill level, body type, and intended use when making this decision. Additionally, investing in accessories like arm foam, ninja hood kits, and hook knives can enhance your overall experience and ensure you're properly equipped for any situation.

However, it's essential to remember that wingsuit flying is an extreme sport that comes with inherent risks. Safety should always be a top priority. Proper training from experienced instructors is crucial to understand the technical aspects of flying a wingsuit and to develop necessary skills like canopy control and emergency procedures.

In addition to training, being knowledgeable about safety precautions such as checking weather conditions before each jump, maintaining gear regularly, and staying up-to-date with industry standards can greatly reduce risks associated with wingsuit flying.

Lastly, let's not forget about the breathtaking locations around the world that provide ideal settings for wingsuit flying. From the stunning fjords of Norway to the majestic mountains in Switzerland or even iconic landmarks like Angel Falls in Venezuela or Yosemite National Park in California – these destinations offer awe-inspiring backdrops for adrenaline junkies seeking their next adventure.

In conclusion, wingsuit flying and BASE jumping are thrilling pursuits that push human limits while allowing us to experience true freedom in the air. With proper training, equipment selection, adherence to safety protocols, and respect for nature’s grandeur at famous locations worldwide – you can embark on an unforgettable journey into the skies. So, gear up, spread your wings, and let the wind carry you to new heights – the world of wingsuit flying awaits!